Shell History

It shows the command-line history. The file where history is stored is at /home/userName/.bash_histiry. Some common use cases are,

Display the commands history list with line numbers:


  Display the last 20 commands (in `zsh` it displays all commands starting from the 20th):

      history 20

  Clear the commands history list (only for current `bash` shell):

      history -c

  Overwrite history file with history of current `bash` shell (often combined with `history -c` to purge history):

      history -w

  Delete the history entry at the specified offset:

      history -d offset
  1. Run a particular command from the history
     2775  ls
     2776  pwd
     2777  hostname

Now simply open the Terminal and type the line number with ! in front of it,

# This will run the hostname command.

  1. Search for a keyword inside the history
    history | grep query