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ps command stands for process status and it displays all the current running process in the Linux shell.

Basic Syntax

List all running processes:

      ps aux

  List all running processes including the full command string:

      ps auxww

  Search for a process that matches a string:

      ps aux | grep string

  List all processes of the current user in extra full format:

      ps --user $(id -u) -F

  List all processes of the current user as a tree:

      ps --user $(id -u) f

  Get the parent PID of a process:

      ps -o ppid= -p pid

  Sort processes by memory consumption:

      ps --sort size

The output of ps in Terminal returns,

  • PID : the unique process ID.

  • TTY : Terminal type that the user logged-in to.

  • TIME : The amount of CPU in minutes and seconds that the process has been.

  • CMD : name of the command.

Other Examples

  1. Show all the running processes

    ps -e

  2. Show all running processes in BSD format

    ps aux

  3. Show all running processes in the full-listing format

    ps -ef

  4. Show all processes by the user

    ps -u userName