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Adding Vim Encyption

Important Info

Neovim, which is also known as nvim , does not support encryption. Vim v7.4.399 or higher is required cryptv feature enabled


To see if version of Vim supports cryptv, run the following command within Vim


If the present version of Vim supports encryption, the following will be displayed in the list of features.


To check what types of encryption are supported by your version of Vim, run:

:help cryptmethod

This will list some or all of the following encryption methods. - zip - blowfish - blowfish2 - xchacha20

Vim’s default cryptmethod is blowfish2. To display your Vim’s current cryptmethod, run either of the following equivalent commands.

:set cryptmethod?
:set cm?

Starting with Vim v8.1.0606, the default cryptmethod is blowfish2. Hence if the Vim version is updated, it should show,


If it does not display this, do one of the following. 1. Update Vim version v8.1.0606⁠ or newer.⁠(Recommended) 2. Put the following in vimrc.

set cryptmethod=blowfish2

Using Vim encryption

To encrypt a file with Vim:

  1. Open the file in Vim.

  2. In command mode, run :X (note that X must be upper case).

  3. At the Enter encryption key: prompt, type a password.

  4. At the Enter same key again: prompt, retype the password.

  5. Save the file.

  6. Quit Vim.

To decrypt, edit, and re-encrypt a file with Vim:

  1. Attempt to open the file in Vim.

  2. At the Enter encryption key: prompt, type the file’s password.

  3. If you mistyped the file’s password, close the file without saving it and retry.