Pre connection Attacks

  1. Gathering information by Packet Sniffing about the local wireless networks. This includes
    1. getting the BSSID of the network,
    2. channel CH it is working on,
    3. type of encryption(WEP/WPA/WPA2)
    4. frequency it is working on (2.4GHz/5GHz)
    5. and some more.
  2. Starting a Targeted Packet Sniffing and using wireshark to get more information about the devices connected to the network. From this we can get
    1. the type of device connected to the network.
    2. ESSID of the device.
    3. more depending on the information wireshark can provide.
  3. A Deauthentication Attack can be launched on a particular device connected to the network. This can be helpful in social engineering the target users.